Archive: General Page

  • Graduate Students

    Mia CoutinhoB.S. Neuroscience, Lafayette CollegeFirst year Ph.D. student in the Interdisciplinary Program in NeuroscienceResearch interests: first- and second language acquisition, language recov

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  • Courses

    Cognitive Science ICOS 7710: Cognitive Science Core Course (can be taken more than once) ICOS 7712: Cognitive Science Seminar (can be taken more than once) ICOS 7949: Tutorial: Cognitive Sc

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  • Program Specific Requirements

    Computer Science Computer Science PhD students wishing to participate in the cognitive science concentration must receive approval from their advisor and DGS. The concentration requires students t

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  • Requirements

    Cognitive Science Concentration Requirements 12-15 credits (4-5 courses) in 1-2 departments or programs outside of the major Ph.D., selected to provide a background in another field of cognitive s

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  • Strengths in Cognitive Science at Georgetown

    The interdisciplinary community of relevant faculty at Georgetown has great strength in several specific areas that are likely to develop into joint research projects and joint recruiting of new stud

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  • Faculty Executive Committee

    The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Concentration in Cognitive Science is led by the Faculty Executive Committee fromĀ a number of programs across Georgetown University. Elissa Newport, Ph.D.Co-Director, I

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  • Admission

    Prospective incoming graduate students interested in pursuing the cognitive science concentration at Georgetown may apply simultaneously to the new interdepartmental concentration and to the particip

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  • Program of Study

    Students in the Cognitive Science concentration will obtain their Ph.D. in different disciplinary areas, but each will be trained in interdisciplinary fields as well, by developing an individualized

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